Come Home to a Gnome

I would like to stress that this is pronounced “NOME.”  I think I’ll do a feature on the other blog about gnomes of a different color, but today I feel like highlighting and amazing shop on Etsy that I keep going back to over and over.  And once I have… oh… furnature… I will be buying goodies from her because I decided I’m just too lazy to build my own.

Enough secrets.  My own what?  Terrarium.



Enter GnomeHomes.  GnomeHomes is a collaboration between a couple Etsy sellers.  Matt is from Haulinoats, which is such an awesome name for a sadly empty shop.  Meghan is from 2lilmonkeys, which is another great name and an adorable little shop.  But the GnomeHomes… Ooooh, the GnomeHomes…



I’ve been fascinated by terrariums since I was a kid.  I know I built one once, but I can’t remember if it was in girl scouts, at school, or in day care.  Because I was a kid, I probably ended up ignoring it, then my mom ended up ignoring it, and now I have no more terrariums.  I think I would still like to build my own with more folliage, but what I find so appealing about the GnomeHomes is the compactness and the colors.  Usually I would say red and green is so very Christmas, but the mushrooms work so well will the moss.  Of course, that could be because the descriptions claim the mushrooms are orange, but I see red.  The exact color is neither here nor there.  What matters is that they look amazing together.

Oooh, fancy :)

Oooh, fancy 🙂

Okay, I concede.  These mushrooms are red.

April 11, 2009. Tags: , , , , , . etsy, pictures.


  1. The Cheap Chick replied:

    Dude, I am so with you on the teranium (sp?) thing. I totally want one now – and used to want one as a child, too. As Larue’s Japanese SIL says, they are kawaii!

    Also? Apropos of nothing? Would you ever be interested in writing a how-to post about Etsy for my blog? I tell people about it all the time, but not how to best utilize it. You are in the know, and would have good information for people just starting out.

    Anyhoo, let me know if that sounds like a good idea. Thank you!

  2. Bee & Me replied:

    Hi there
    I really like these Gnome Jars! I cant believe you had to sound out the word. That is too funny LOL

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